Kazuki Ura, the voice actor for Blue Lock, bringing his ego to the role

Kazuki Ura, the voice actor for Blue Lock, bringing his ego to the role

Anime News Network had the chance to speak with Ryōya Arisawa, the producer of the popular sports anime BLUELOCK, and voice actor Kazuki Ura, who plays the lead character Isagi, at Anime NYC 2023. Emphasizing personal progress through an exploration of ego—the self-serving ambition to be the best in your field—is one of the series’ key characteristics. Ura depicts how his ego also contributes significantly to the development of the character of Isagi, even though it isn’t always a part of the same overly dramatic setting as in the show.
“As a voice actor, I have the ego that I don’t want to lose to anybody,” Ura says in clarification. I want to be the greatest in everything, but especially in terms of Isagi’s persona.

Ura, who had read the original manga, felt a connection to the character even before he learned that the crew was working on an anime. Arisawa claims that the production team went through a number of voice performers for each character during the rigorous audition process for the roles of Isagi and Bachira. They decided Ura was the ideal voice for the character after going through a ton of voice actors with the other producers, the director of the series, and the author of the original manga.

Ura argues that Isagi in BLUELOCK is a guy who must always outdo himself in order to survive, and when voicing the character, she attempts to maintain a similar frame of mind.

As a result, Isagi feels as though his life is in jeopardy in everything he undertakes. His actions and words have the power to alter someone else’s life or career. It seems as though every phrase I say when he plays also implies that I might not survive to tell. He not only understands that Isagi cannot be contained in order to allow for flexibility and character development, but he also allows some of his ego to permeate the character.

Ura reminisced on how he handled the rivalry between Isagi and Rin during the Anime NYC BLUELOCK event. When Ura realized he was accidentally reading Rin’s sentences in the previous episode because he was so driven to defeat Rin, the staff said, “That’s very egoistic of you.” In addition to being a humorous tale to tell the fans, Ura’s level of dedication to the part is evident. “Obviously, the original authors know the best, but as a voice actor, I think that I also understand just as much about the character of Isagi,” he excitedly told Anime News Network.

Ura saw an episode that was chosen by fans, and she had the opportunity to show this during the panel. “Donkey,” the 17th episode, sticks out as a pivotal point in Isagi’s development. When I reviewed the first season, I gave the episode the highest rating. Not surprising, given that this episode effectively captures Isagi’s ego, as he used one of the show’s most self-centered characters to further his own agenda. All of it culminates in Isagi calling Barou a donkey while he is standing over him. Ura claimed that in order to get that line delivery perfect, he trained a lot and even performed it for the audience.
Arisawa claims, “We had a very clear idea of how we intended to depict Isagi’s ego awakening. In the original drawing, the moment of awakening is already really fantastic. Therefore, we wanted to ensure that it would be equally as awesome when it was animated in terms of the plot, the journey there, and the visual animation.

Arisawa possesses a vision as well, therefore Ura is not the only one with one. Arisawa claims, “I want to make this show the largest hit ever since I’m the biggest fan! My goal is to make the audience feel engaged and entertained. Therefore, because of my passion, I might bring other people into some difficulties, but that’s just my ego. These factors make it understandable why BLUELOCK has struck a deep chord with anime enthusiasts. The show’s production also portrays a series in which each player strives to outdo themselves, so improving the performance of the team as a whole. It should come as no surprise that the finished result is of such high caliber when everyone of the individual elements is giving their all, and I am eagerly awaiting the release of season two!


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