Sayaka Senbongi (Marcille) and Kentarō Kumagai (Voice of Laios), two of Delicious in Dungeon’s primary characters, and director Yoshihiro Miyajima recently spoke with Anime News Network. They discussed how they got part in the production, what the audience should watch out for, and the imaginary cuisine they love best from dungeons.

Prior to the audition, how much were you familiar with the original manga? How did you initially perceive Delicious in Dungeon?
Although I had previously read the entire series, I had not done so until right before the audition. I found it to be incredibly fascinating and enjoyable right away.
What, in your opinion, distinguishes Laios from the roles you have played before?
I think it’s quite easy to misinterpret my character, Laios. Thus, one of the things that sets him apart from the other parts I’ve played is the way he interacts with those around him.
Which characteristics of your character would you most like to play? Or what aspect of taking on the role do you find most enjoyable?
His uncomplicated personality is one of the factors that makes him an interesting individual. Saving his sister is one of his primary objectives throughout the series. Of course, he also wants to try eating all these tasty monsters, about which he is really fascinated.
Therefore, he is comparable to a young child in that he is sincere about what he wants—what he wants to do and achieve. He therefore exudes these extremely real feelings, which make it fascinating to play. That’s why I find him appealing. When acting, he always follows his morals and his emotions. He doesn’t intentionally aim to be humorous or goof about; instead, he happens to be. These are a few of the intriguing aspects about him.
In the series, Laios plays the position of the party head and is a serious figure. It is therefore humorous when he behaves differently from this role. When you play the role, are you conscious of this gap? If not, while assuming the role of Laios, what are your thoughts?
Although he plays that job in the adventurers’ group, I think Laios doesn’t strive to lead or act like the group’s head. To appear like a leader, he doesn’t seem to be trying to act like one. Even he believes he is not a good fit for the post.
But his actions—whether they are directed toward monsters or toward saving his sister Falin—as well as his natural curiosity ultimately cause a gulf or distinction in his ability to be both serious and humorous at the same time. I therefore don’t try to push or intentionally create that separation when I’m performing. It flows from the nature of him and the way he thinks.
For viewers who haven’t read the manga, what makes Delicious in Dungeon so appealing? What makes it worthwhile for them to watch?
The Japanese name for Delicious in Dungeon is “Dungeon Meshi,” which essentially means “Dungeon Food.” The narrative shows individuals eating in a dungeon, as the title suggests. However, adventurer teams must bring their own food in order to survive because dungeons are typically barren of food.
In contrast, the guests at Laios’ party have a different perspective on food and begin by experimenting with items that aren’t meant to be consumed. They then experiment with how to prepare, cook, and consume those items. It shows a dungeon’s way of existence.
Naturally, this is a gourmet tale told in a gourmet animation, but the story seems to concentrate more on how they eat, live, and survive. The role that food plays in survival and the necessity of taking life in order to live are also crucial. You can notice many of its deeper facets when you read the manga or watch the anime. It presents a distinct side of food and its significance in our lives. You should watch this anime because it teaches you something like this, among other things.

The popularity of its manga has created a great deal of anticipation for Delicious in Dungeon. What can fans anticipate from the anime adaptation and how does it feel to be a part of the team creating this cherished series?
As you mentioned, Ryōko Kui’s manga is already a highly popular series. We were able to collaborate with animation studio Studio Trigger to turn it into an anime, which has already raised the excitement and anticipation for this work.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to play Laios, a pivotal position in the show, and thrilled to have contributed to its development and production. I’m excited to play him and hope that my acting will do him credit.
I can’t decide what I want people to be especially excited about. Every team member gave it their all, putting so much love and passion into it. This covers the voice acting we do for the characters, the music, the tale and composition, the artwork and designs that pay homage to the source manga, and the animation.
I find it difficult to pick just one thing because of how much love and passion they have shown each other. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I want you to notice the love and enthusiasm that each and every team member is putting forth.
Which supper option from the menu items in Delicious in Dungeon would you choose?
There are so many that I’d like to try and am intrigued about how they might taste. So, making a decision is incredibly challenging. But since it’s the toughest to fathom how it would taste, if it were dinner, I’d probably go for the Mandrake Omelet that shows up in the episode. It looks great, but I’d prefer to try a Mandrake because I have no idea how it would taste.
In Dungeon Stars, delicious is a standard adventure party. Which character class would you select for a fantastical quest, and why?
Since I’m fond of Japanese swords, I believe I would select “swordsman”—more especially, “samurai” If I were to join an adventurer’s group, I would prefer to utilize those for combat.
Did you read the original manga before going for the audition? How did you initially perceive Delicious in Dungeon?
I was aware of the series before to my audition. I had heard from people all around me that it was a well-liked series, and there had been talk about it ever since the manga volumes first came out. I was aware that the goal was to vanquish monsters and consume them. I knew the basic plot before I went in for the audition.
But when I was cast, I read the manga, and I found it to be really fascinating. It did a great job of striking a mix between humor and seriousness. I was so engrossed in it that I read it quickly.
When viewing Delicious in Dungeon, what aspects of Marcille do you think viewers should be aware of?
As I’ve already said, Marcille has a lot of facets. One of the things I find most endearing about her is how human she is. I ask myself, “If I were Marcille, would I be able to eat this?” when I’m playing her. perhaps “I believe I could manage this.” I hope Marcille conveys my feelings in a sincere manner.
Which dish from Delicious in Dungeon would you most like to eat?
I’d like to try eating the meat because it’s portrayed a lot in Delicious in Dungeon. I’ve tasted sheep and duck in real life, and I like them, therefore I’m particularly interested to know what flavors the meat from Delicious in Dungeon has.
In Dungeon Stars, delicious is a standard adventure party. Which character class would you select for a fantastical quest, and why?
This is an inquiry into “what if I were an adventurer,” correct? I would guess mage. It’s difficult for me to picture myself engaging in physical combat. I don’t have enough muscle to fight physically, so I believe I would like to fight using magic instead.
How did the chance to helm Delicious in Dungeon arise?
I directed an ad for Delicious in Dungeon’s ninth volume in 2019. At that point, the anime adaptation had not yet received approval. After it was, I got in touch with TRIGGER, which is how I ended up being the director.
As you previously stated, you oversaw a unique animated Studio Trigger commercial in 2019 to commemorate the publication of the manga’s eighth volume. But this is your first time directing a TV anime series. What are your thoughts about returning to work on Delicious in Dungeon as a TV series director?
I never would have imagined that I would be able to work on an anime series like this while I was working on the manga commercial. I’m grateful that I was able to collaborate with Studio Trigger and that I was selected to direct the TV show. I feel extremely fortunate right now, but I had no clue things would turn out this way at the time.
Have you chatted with Ryōko Kui, the author of Delicious in Dungeon? What role does she play in the anime? Did she receive any feedback or communicate with the creative team?
I was able to establish a great rapport with Kui-Sensei because of Studio Trigger, but this was my first time turning a manga into an anime. Kui-sensei said things to us like, “I would like it to go in this direction.” She provided much of advice. I appreciate all the information she gave us and the assistance she gave us. I hope you’ll be able to see that she was heavily involved in what we produced when you see the series; I can’t go into the specifics.
In the voice recording booth, what kind of directions do you provide the voice actors?
I generally advised the cast to read the original manga in order to familiarize themselves with it. Regarding “in the booth,” though, it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what I would tell them. All I did was try to bring the characters to life by highlighting their abilities, knowledge, and acting talent.
What should viewers of Delicious in Dungeon focus on, in your opinion?
In Dungeon, we adore Delicious just as much as everyone else. I want people to focus on how the anime series uses animation, voice acting, and music to bring the manga’s tale to life. There might be some new elements of the story that have emerged as a result of the animation because the story is not being delivered just through still images.
This, in my opinion, is a novel and revitalizing method to enjoy Delicious in Dungeon. In addition, the manga’s tale is fantastic and a lot of fun for those who haven’t read it. Kindly anticipate it.
Do you have any advice for anime fans who wish to watch it?
The voice actors and animation crew put forth a lot of effort to create this fantastic anime. I sincerely hope you enjoy Dungeon’s Delicious.